Linux System Administration: Cron Jobs and Task Scheduling

Being able to tell the system to do certain things at specific times is incredibly useful, not to mention time-saving. Task scheduling is quite often one of the first steps in systems automation. In this course, Linux System Administration: Cron Jobs and Task Scheduling, you will get up to speed scheduling tasks on Linux.

First, you’ll learn to write simple shell scripts that do something. Next, you’ll setup a cloud server at a domain of your choosing. Then, you’ll turn your server into a web server using Nginx. After setting up Nginx, you’ll turn your new web server into a Node.js application server. Finally, you’ll secure your web application with SSL. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the knowledge to use task-scheduling to create a Ci/Cd pipeline that pulls your code from GitHub, and deploys it automagically to your server.

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